What to Expect
Our Work Together
In my experience, I have found that clients who find the best outcomes in therapy come with their sleeves rolled up and are ready to get to work. I do not have a crystal ball, a magic wand, or all of the answers, but I am here to work alongside you and be there for you through the highs and lows.
Growth is not linear—meaning that sometimes things will be really hard and feel really heavy, while other challenges feel more effortless to leave behind. My practice is a safe space where you can be yourself, find your voice, and share your story—No judgment, no shade, no tea.
Clients tend to have better outcomes when they:
Engage in session
Are committed to the process
Work on what we talk about outside of session
Are open to challenging and ditching old habits and beliefs that are keeping you stuck
There is not a one-size-fits-all approach to therapy and I am committed to showing up for you, so long as you are also committed to showing up for yourself.
Whether this is your first time starting therapy or you are looking at starting with a new provider, it is important to understand what to expect from our sessions.
I offer free a 15-minute, no obligation phone consultation to get to know a little bit about you, your goals for therapy, and whether your challenges are within my scope of practice. It also gives you a chance to ask me questions and get to know a little more about me as a therapist.
If we determine that we’d like to move forward, I’ll send the intake paperwork to you to complete. Please note: All intake paperwork must be completed prior to scheduling the first session.
Session #1—AKA The Intake Session
We will review your intake paperwork together.
I recognize that therapy intake paperwork takes time to complete. During this part of the session, I clarify information provided and discuss policies. I also like to use the intake paperwork to get to start to get to know you more.
We get to work!
You’re eager to start feeling better, so we get started on mapping out how we can work together to get you there. We’ll discuss your goals for therapy more deeply and come up with a treatment plan to achieve them.
Ongoing Sessions
Sessions are generally one hour in duration.
Check in
We check in to see how you’ve been since our last session and if anything important came up. It’s a great transition into therapy.
We determine the agenda for the session and dive in. We review homework and talk about any realizations or feelings that came up.
Review + Setting Intentions for the Upcoming Week
It’s often helpful to reflect on what was discussed during the session, if there were any realizations made, and get feedback on therapy overall. This is the point where we discuss any homework or activities that are assigned for the coming week and the purpose for giving it a try.
Ending Our Therapeutic Work
Our therapeutic relationship will come to an end at some point. Here are a few reasons therapy ends:
You have reached your goals for therapy
Our ultimate goal for therapy is to help you meet your goals and work through the challenges impacting your life. Once you have reached your therapy goals, we come up with a plan to help you maintain your gains on your own.
It’s important to know that even after our work together has ended, you can always reach out to me if you need to schedule a session again in the future.
We are not a good fit
Therapy can sometimes end if either one of us has decided that we are not a good fit—and that’s ok! My goal is to always help you reach your therapy goals. I highly encourage you to share feedback with me on what is working, not working, etc. If at any point you feel that I am not a good fit to help you meet your therapy goals, please let me know so I can try to help you find someone who can help you get there.
There might also be times where some new challenges that surface during the course of therapy might be out of my scope of practice. This means that I may not have enough experience to treat the issue. If this happens, I am ethically obligated to help you find a therapist who does have this skillset.
You are frequently missing appointments
The key to meeting your therapy goals is to show up for yourself. It’s impossible to meet them if you’re not showing up. If frequent cancellations or no shows occur, we will discuss concluding therapy.
If there is an unexpected or unforeseen circumstance that pops up that impacts your ability to show up regularly to sessions, please let me know. We can discuss pausing therapy until you are able to resume regular attendance.
Change in ability to pay for sessions
If you find that you become unable to afford your session fees, please let me know as soon as possible. I have an ethical obligation to try to help you find another provider. All session fees must be paid prior to the next session to avoid racking up a large bill.